29 Best ways to say You are Beautiful to delight the girl you just matched

Best ways to say You are Beautiful to delight the girl you just matched
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You’re a gift to those around you.
on 2020-06-01.
You have such unusual eyes!
on 2020-06-01.
Your laugh reminds me of glitter!
on 2020-06-01.
You do not need makeup. You are already so naturally beautiful.
on 2020-06-01.
You look stunning in that dress.
on 2020-06-01.
Your face makes other people ugly.
on 2020-06-01.
You might not be the most beautiful women on this earth but you are the most beautiful women in my eyes.
on 2020-06-01.
You are so beautiful. I would certainly steal your photos, make a fake account, and impress people online.
on 2020-06-01.
You are more unique and wonderful than the smell of a new book.
on 2020-06-01.
Beauty is vain, which is why I’m elated you possess so many qualities in addition to it.
on 2020-06-01.
Your beauty is like the mirror reflection of an angel.
on 2020-06-01.
I am mesmerized by your beauty, but I am even more enthralled by your wit and wisdom.
on 2020-06-01.
You have everything every woman wishes for: good looks, wonderful personality and great wisdom.
on 2020-06-01.
You’re incredibly beautiful, and that’s the least interesting thing about you.
on 2020-06-01.
You are the sweetest and most caring person I’ve ever met.
on 2020-06-01.
Your beauty blinds me. It comes from your heart and is reflected in your eyes.
on 2020-07-03.
I wonder how I never noticed such a magnificent flower like you before.
on 2020-07-03.
You are beautiful. You’ve made me believe that this world is worth living in.
on 2020-07-03.
It’s a pity that it’s impossible to hold a beauty contest among the angels. It would be the only competition that you could compete fairly.
on 2020-07-03.
Your beauty cannot be ignored, it is something unbelievable. It not only pleases my eyes but also warms my heart.
on 2020-07-03.
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